URL | PATCH {{basepath}}/domain/:name/host/:hostname |
Category | REPP-Host |
Allows you to update a host (aka Glue record)
Expects a HostUpdateRequest object.
Returns a HostUpdateResponse object.
status | new | The status to look for : available,unavailable,new,delete |
start | 0 | Where to start from |
limit | 10 | How many to retrieve min 1 max 50 |
domainname | asdfghjkl.io | The domainname to look for |
:name | zerg-test-controlpanel-2023-06-09-01.frl | |
:hostname | ns4.zerg-test-controlpanel-2023-06-09-01.frl |
"hostname": "ns3.zerg-test-controlpanel-2023-06-09-01.frl",
"add": [
"ipAddress": "",
"ip": "v4"
"rem": [
"ipAddress": "",
"ip": "v4"